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you can find grip panels made from Pecan, walnut, cocobolo and more. Wood grip panels can be manufactured in a variety of styles, from a smooth surface to one of our many stock designs or remember we are CUSTOM Firearm Products We will customize or redesign an existing product to your liking.
While some might be tempted to think wood grip panels are intended for looks only, they do have a functional element to them. Generally, they provide good grip quality when working in harmony with the natural material it compliments its frame. In other words, while grip panel material is important, it is better to consider the features of any material in light of the rest of the gun.
"Dymondwood" is the tradename for a product that was produced by Rutland Plywood. Essentially, it is a lamination of very thin veneers, usually, birch, impregnated with a resin. The designation Walnut, Cocobolo, etc refers to the color of stain used, not the species of wood.
Dymondwood is basically the same as Micarta, except that it is layers of wood that are bonded together with phenolic resin rather than paper or fabric. This makes it just as strong or stronger, but better looking because it still has the look of wood. Dymondwood is completely stable and will not shrink or crack like regular wood. It is unaffected by gun cleaning fluids or oils.

NOTE: MONITORS VARY GREATLY IN HOW THEY DISPLAY COLORS. aLTHOUGH WE HAVE DONE OUR BEST TO REPRESENT THE COLORS accurately, what you see on your screen may differ from actual colors. Custom Colors available in Nylon also. are indicated with an "n".